Welcome to Poroso. The ah-ha moment happened when founder Eric Chiu began his music production journey. A budding amateur producer, he purchased all the equipment he thought he needed to record clear sound. He bought Ableton, Focusrite Scarlett 2i2, mic boom stand and a Rode NT1-a. Unfortunately, even given the new found setup, the audio he recorded sounded tinny, airy, and empty.
After searching online for solutions, he discovered that sound reflections were the crux of the issue. There are lot's of quick fixes out there including putting your setup under a blanket, surrounding yourself with a mattress or recording inside a crowded closet. Of the solutions, the one that made most sense was a DIY setup to create a PVC frame and attach moving blankets to the outside.
Enter Poroso. Eric found that this was not such a simple task, finding the right PVC sizes, getting the blankets to stay put and feeling your way through a booth had its challenges. It took a full week to assemble and driving around to several home stores. Now Eric took all his home learnings and packaged it into Poroso, a mobile vocal recording booth that saves you time and money.
Ultimately, this journey is about making high quality music production accessible to the amateur at home.

Bringing accessible sound production, home
Our Story